Health is Power
This belief guides everything I do. With three decades of leadership experience, ten years as an RN, and 15 as a single mother, I’ve created a new vision for the kind of support both teens and parents need.
How can we help adolescents to meet the challenges of modern life? How can they claim the joy and purpose that will ignite their future?
As a mother, I have a front row seat to so many phenomenal and beautiful kids. I adore them and see the world differently through their eyes.
I put Practice of Life out into the world to honor the strength, wisdom, and capabilities of young people — who need more days filled with connection, play, movement, decency and sunshine.
Everyone deserves a good start. I offer my company to all of you.
My Journey
A Lucky Start
My path has been messy, exciting, and full to the brim with opportunities to practice! I have always flung myself out to new places and challenges. But it's the values, creativity and love I got growing up that served me the most.
My mother modeled a deep sense of social justice and compassion. She was love, embodied. My father approached every challenge with integrity, a smile, and a serious ethic. He taught me to be a critical thinker. Both of them instilled in me the importance of community and the need to make a difference. And, by seeing the world, I learned that as big as it may seem, key pieces, joy, peace, freedom and security, are foundational, no matter where you go.
My fierce independence meant an unconventional path with some rough spots, but it helped me understand who and what made me happy – and I learned to intentionally build that into every day.
Love is Life
My son, family, and friends enrich my life and constantly inspire me. They are my history and my heart.
As a nurse and single mother of a sixteen-year-old, I work hard to parent with warmth and clear guidance. I hold high expectations of my son, but I also try to scaffold him with humor and patience – holding him close, while simultaneously, encouraging his independence.
I believe that days are richer with honest and open conversation, knowing when to talk and when to listen. I try to go above and beyond to support those closest to me and to lead with a generous spirit.
My Work
My work has always been with people and organizations whose job it is to elevate quality of life: whether in acute-care medicine, for-profit or non-profit ventures, or in the areas of relationship development or organizational strategy.
Over the years my passion for health, education and systems change converged. Along the way I’ve been involved in direct health instruction and curriculum development for middle and high schools in Vermont; secured $12 million in federal and private grand funding for East Boston Neighbourhood Health Center and created Parenting in a Pandemic – a health roadmap for families.
Practice of Life is the next step on this journey.