What To Eat After A Workout
Knowing what to eat after your workout can play a pivotal role in helping your body refuel, rehydrate and recover.
Do Prepackaged Salad Greens Lose Their Nutrients?
Anyone who's eating greens instead of potato chips is already ahead of the curve in terms of their health.
Diet has major impact on gut biomes
In the gut microbiome, at least, it’s nurture, not nature.
How Food May Improve Your Mood
The sugar-laden foods we often crave when we are stressed or depressed, may be the least likely to benefit our mental health.
Exercise vs. Diet? What Children of the Amazon Can Teach Us About Weight Gain
What we eat may be more important than how much we move when it comes to fighting obesity
This Is Your Brain on Junk Food
No addictive drug can fire up the reward circuitry in our brains as rapidly as our favorite foods.
Midnight Snack? Not so fast.
Your eating habits impact how you sleep more than you may realize.
Got Water? Most Kids, Teens Don't Drink Enough
Kids and teens should get two to three quarts of water per day
25 Immune System-Boosting Recipes
If there’s one thing to know about the human body; it’s this: the human body has a ringmaster-your gut.
Can Technology Help Us Eat Better?
Digital health companies are offering consumers an unusual way to transform the way they eat.